More details in the SourceForge facs Mediawiki pages, i.e. How to install (in transition from previous facs Wiki pages )
Have a MySQL server available, via the local network (know the address), or on the same machine where you want to run the application (your “localhost“). Have a user (loginname, password) with the rights to make a database (or database root password).
Install Gambas on Linux
- Download facs (current snapshot)
- Run Facs, Create a table for Facs (File, Start New)
- Enter the data for the database connection of Facs (Tools, Preferences, DBConnect)
- Take a look at the other Preferences like “Invoice, Default currency”.
- Enter one or more suppliers (New, Supplier)
- Enter one or more costcodes to total on afterwards (New, Costcode)
More details in the SourceForge facs Mediawiki pages (in transition from previous facs Wiki pages / login )