Dev notes april 2008

April 24th, 2008   Filed Under Wrk  

080424 - redesign Assign visable/not, extended data of invoice, ClsInvoice
080423 - storing the invoice data, order of screenelements
080422 - check invoice complete + incomplete explanation in error
080421 - head+detaillines show in lsbx
080414-8 - detailline and heafdline define and adjust tabel
080407 - Number of suppliers: 172?? but combobox contains more? : list is loaded 2 x
080404 - result available on higher level? or.. ?? OK: make res on higher level, let it fill by procedure in mod with as returnvalue the resultset.
080403 - Load Todo text from file “Todo.txt” in Data folder : is not a folder!


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