invoice list, sizing, inv numbering, sel suppliers invoices

July 23rd, 2008   Filed Under Wrk  


  • order of data in list of invoices: changed to make it more
    readable (same length data grouped)
  • dblklick to enlarge is ok but use also double klick to
    make smaller again - autoshrink never comes on the right time.
    - after save, automaticly saved = selected invoice (for
  • fixed control on auto numbering start value in startup of
    main screen: last invoiceSn is compared to highest invoiceSn
    (if last is not highest, last time some work was done in a
    previous range; probably invoices missing in previous
    period, so remember to continue there)
  • at selection of a supplier, the invoices of that supplier
    are selected in the invoice list (to compare with previous
    values or comments)
  • selection of invoice in list: problems with getting inv_id

Upl. v 0.0.30


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