Version number mixup

October 16th, 2008   Filed Under Wrk  

Changed version 0.0.72 to let source (tar.gz) and executable (facs.gambas) have same version number
Upload was the version of the source after making executable, which increases version number. So the upload version number was actually the increased source version number - and one higher than the actual executable and the source it was derived from.

upl v 0.0.72

Directory structure:


On “make executable” (plus choice to store it somewhere)

The source has now versionnumber +1. So the uploading of both has to be done before to have the same version number in source and executable.

This seems to be plain wrong: “Even without “make executable”, an executable is available: it is made everytime the compile action is done (i.e. automatically at “run”). If editing the project only changed a certain module, then only that module will be compiled new, so the facs.gambas stays the same file (date/time).”; the executable .gambas is only made on “make executable”, and contains very local settings.

The upload should consist of the current source + the current .gambas file.
Then “make executable” should be done to increase the version number of the source, to continue the work on. Although increasing the version number can be done in the project properties as well.

Will try now to upload the executable with the source of which it is made.


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